Miracle Deliverance Temple of Christ
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
 Miracle Deliverance Temple of Christ, Inc.

We are saved by grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We cannot work to earn right standing with God. We must accept Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, who gave His life as payment for our sins. We believe that baptism in water in the name of our Lord is necessary as an act of obedience and an outward sign of an inner change. It is a church ritual, which should take place after one repents of sin and is born again. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God, who comes to live in those who believe in God, immediately after accepting Jesus as savior and Lord.


We believe that God is one God who manifests Himself to man in three ways; Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We believe that God is one person who reveals Himself to man in three forms. Jesus Christ is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. We believe in the deity of Christ and His virgin birth, His death, burial and resurrection and that He will return a second time for His church.


We believe in the Apostolic faith. Jesus gave instruction to His apostles to go into the entire world to preach the gospel and make disciples of people. He said He would confirm the Word with signs following. We are to continue that commission.


We believe that Spiritual gifts are in operation in the body of Christ for the purpose of edifying the saints.


We believe in the physical return of Jesus Christ to the earth to catch the people of God away. He will return in the clouds to resurrect the dead in Christ first and the Christians who are still alive on the earth will be “raptured” or caught up to forever be with the Lord. After this event, the world as we know it, will be destroyed by fire. But Jesus will set up His Kingdom on the newly made earth.


The Bible is the Word of God without error. We primarily use the King James Version of the Holy Scriptures because we believe it is the most accurate English version.


We teach that the baptism with the Holy Ghost is an extension of the born again experience. It is the anointing of power from God, which allows a person to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, enabling one to witness more effectively.  Every Christian should desire the baptism with the Holy Ghost. It comes simply by asking for it out of a sincere desire to be used of God in ministry.


We believe all Christians should set good examples before all people. It is important to show love, act, speak and dress as Godly men and women.


We believe in giving to the work of God. One should willfully, cheerfully and faithfully give of the first and best of his / her increase. The local church serves as the present day storehouse where needs are met through tithes and offerings.


We believe in prayer as a daily necessity. Building a good relationship with God, with the family and with the church congregation is essential for spiritual growth.