Miracle Times Newsletter
Church announcements for January 12, 2025
Bible Study is on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM here at the church
and Bible Study for Global Connection Network is on Zoom each Thursday at 11:00 AM.
If you are visiting with us for the first time today, we welcome you and we hope you feel a part of the family.
Please feel free to attend any of our regular worship services, classes and prayer meetings. If you have not
already done so, please fill out a visitor's card and leave it with an usher.
Don't forget, you can obtain copies of each sermon preached at the end of the worship services.
Sermons are available on CD for $3.50. Please see the person in the audio booth for assistance.
Messages are also available online on our YOUTUBE channel "Miracle Deliverance Temple of Christ TV".
We are also on Facebook.
The public is invited to join us for Sunday School at 9:30 AM and the 11 o'clock Sunday Morning Worship Service.
Safe distancing and health practices are encouraged.
*Birthdays and anniversaries are acknowledged on the first Sunday of each month.
All Announcements are now updated on our Website on the Miracle Times Newsletter page at www.miracledt.org.